================01-10-2020 05:42:55================================= Array ( [key] => WGU412Y7NN [merchant_txn] => CHTL1DV [name] => RAVIRAJ DAIRY updated [email] => support@snapkirana.co.in [phone] => 9860922999 [amount] => 355.21 [udf1] => [udf2] => 5100001100448 [udf3] => Priyanka Enterprisess [udf4] => 355.21 [udf5] => [message] => Payment for invoice no [hash] => 163d4a92662f8b5e2ae350ce1fc7314f35e3a1338bafc241eff5d4d5ab223fc10d14a0ba5b3d2539b637dcb4fbbe63ede2455411ac6b60dc5d945114d08febce ) Array ( [status] => [error] => Hash mismatch. Please check the hash. ) ==================================================================== ================02-10-2020 08:06:11================================= Array ( [key] => WGU412Y7NN [merchant_txn] => CHTL2DV [name] => DINESH SUPER MARKET [email] => support@snapkirana.co.in [phone] => 9860399965 [amount] => 145.14 [udf1] => [udf2] => 5100001100452 [udf3] => Priyanka Enterprisess [udf4] => 145.14 [udf5] => [message] => Payment for invoice no [hash] => bc9fa59ecf2be8460eb40966029da0d6656b32d848d2720979d844bddd592ae52207d09d8694cd720c9f019a6ef796eca07616580a7506ff0adfd2b6db9bca08 ) Array ( [status] => [error] => Hash mismatch. Please check the hash. ) ==================================================================== ================06-10-2020 05:40:50================================= Array ( [key] => WGU412Y7NN [merchant_txn] => CHTL3DV [name] => OM SUPER SHOPEE [email] => support@snapkirana.co.in [phone] => 7387019246 [amount] => 84.75 [udf1] => [udf2] => 5100001100467 [udf3] => Priyanka Enterprisess [udf4] => 84.75 [udf5] => [message] => Payment for invoice no [hash] => de19574275ef5f32055ede6645ceeaac2e2ada82f632f41f882756359cb6ccb8fda9b52137b386ae51aad3ca670fe69c8f0a8ea556593546eaddc44988cfa403 ) Array ( [status] => [error] => Hash mismatch. Please check the hash. ) ==================================================================== ================06-10-2020 11:25:41================================= Array ( [key] => WGU412Y7NN [merchant_txn] => CHTL4DV [name] => OM SUPER SHOPEE [email] => support@snapkirana.co.in [phone] => 7387019246 [amount] => 395.13 [udf1] => [udf2] => 5100001100472 [udf3] => Priyanka Enterprisess [udf4] => 395.13 [udf5] => [message] => Payment for invoice no [hash] => 476a19fa9be6208cf8d02661e35e17ac3cb14558fa970b52a91c2fead5449241f2808c60c3672c31ebd0262fda8ae25df62efcd01623ad1c3beb48bb6f21b37a ) Array ( [status] => [error] => Hash mismatch. Please check the hash. ) ==================================================================== ================07-10-2020 04:45:25================================= Array ( [key] => WGU412Y7NN [merchant_txn] => CHTL5DV [name] => OM SUPER SHOPEE [email] => support@snapkirana.co.in [phone] => 7387019246 [amount] => 226.34 [udf1] => [udf2] => 5100001100477 [udf3] => Priyanka Enterprisess [udf4] => 226.34 [udf5] => [message] => Payment for invoice no [hash] => db3e69779dd4a8b5e2ec421ef020a912126a26199ad6199d52ee2dd62d89cffd51ededda7288ba94addb2d809c081f53f0f52867398f6a6c40b502365001e8e5 ) Array ( [status] => [error] => Hash mismatch. Please check the hash. ) ==================================================================== ================07-10-2020 04:45:47================================= Array ( [key] => WGU412Y7NN [merchant_txn] => CHTL6DV [name] => OM SUPER SHOPEE [email] => support@snapkirana.co.in [phone] => 7387019246 [amount] => 226.34 [udf1] => [udf2] => 5100001100476 [udf3] => Priyanka Enterprisess [udf4] => 226.34 [udf5] => [message] => Payment for invoice no [hash] => 72e9a38316b81ca7d6c1c8de03375f7cb9c9029a1119638719af7f9f682225e5fc22415e7abf822048da7d582215670c8446101125d6637d3d1004d210533681 ) Array ( [status] => [error] => Hash mismatch. Please check the hash. ) ====================================================================